The Arts Teach Focus

The Arts Teach Focus

As I continue to unravel the multitude of skills that can be developed through an enriching art program, I refer back to a previous blog where I ended with the statement, “The making of art facilitates the development of many skills because it requires many skills,...
Supporting Physical Health with Art

Supporting Physical Health with Art

Creativity can be fostered in a way that is beneficial for physical health and development. The image above is a cluster of words describing the skills (mostly related to physical health) that are gained and improved on through the teaching of art. The arts, when used...
Art is not just child’s play

Art is not just child’s play

Art is not just child’s play. A daily dose of art (in any form) will keep your body healthy, mind strong, and your brain growing! Imagine that! Engaging in art (as play, without judgment) is crucial for a healthy and fulfilling life throughout our life span (Dr....
What The Arts Teach Depends on How They are Taught

What The Arts Teach Depends on How They are Taught

I hope to unravel (with supporting evidence) the multitude of skills that can be developed through an enriching art program. Last week I presented an introduction to the topic of art and education. A brief introduction explaining that the study of art promotes skills...
What Do The Arts Teach?

What Do The Arts Teach?

“The lessons the arts teach can find their application in life outside school virtually any time students opens their eyes,” said Elliot Eisner in a speech delivered on January 14, 1998. An incredible speech; a work of art on it’s own. There is much to be said...